Best TIG Welder Under $3000, $2000, $1500, $1000, $800, $500, $300

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TIG welders are in the market and vary from either $300 to $2000, there are even those that are just slightly above the $2000 mark. 

The TIG welders that you can get with a budget of $1000 might be impressive machines that you will not regret selecting them. You can have a look at the best of them at different price ranges as reviewed in this article. 

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Purchasing a machine like a TIG welder becomes challenging when there is a release after release and you are just not sure which version is ideal for your work. 

Some come along with varying features and hence the tricky part is when you are trying to compare them before you actually make a purchase. 

However, I would advise checking what you actually want before making the purchase. 

This is because most people end up being blinded by some features that are not that helpful for their type of work and hence they end up regretting their choice. 

As a welder, you need to understand the type of work that you mainly deal with and then plan on what type of TIG welder will actually work for you

TIG welders have won the hearts of many because of the quality of products that has been made using them. 

The welders have been able to use them to come up with products that are excellent in structure and the good thing is that they did not have to put a lot of effort. 

I would prefer using TIG welders because of the little smoke produced when in use.

I have included a rather odd price range of $800 because one of our readers asked me via email: “what’s the best ac dc TIG welder for 800″…so I have happily obliged!

Best TIG Welder Under $3000

If your budget is $3000 and below, you really do get your pick of the top-rated TIG welders.

Below you will find our list of the best TIG welders under $3000​.

Miller Multimatic 215 TIG Welder

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This is one TIG welding machine that is designed to be the best when it comes to professional welding purposes. You will find all you need under the features that it comes with. 

I would prefer breaking the bank and getting this one if I were a professional welder because of the numerous and highly effective features included in its design. 

It comes along with dual 120/240-volt input power and also has two connections; a TIG and MIG one.
One feature is the Auto-set elite that gives you the ability to set up the machine to work effectively by entering the exact type of material and its thickness. 

Since it is a DC welder, it is not recommended that you use it for welding aluminum. However, there is a MIG setting that can get some work done on aluminum.

Pros and Cons


  • Has a gas regulator
  • Has a MIG gun and electrode clamp
  • Auto spool gun detects
  • Has a smooth arc startup


  • It’s a DC only machine
  • Does not have a TIG torch

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Best TIG Welder Under $2000

When you have a budget of $2000, there are a variety of TIG welders that you can purchase, and of course, you get the very best features.

Below you will find our list of the best TIG welders under $2000​.

Lincoln 200 TIG welder​

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This is a TIG welder that comes across both AC and DC welding options. It can also be used as a stick machine and also has dual input power. 

The dual input power gives it the ability to plug it either at your workshop or even at home.

It has a high-frequency arc starting that maintains the tungsten electrode clean without any starts. It can weld thick metal surfaces even the wet fairly well. 

When you want to work on aluminum material, then this particular machine is a good option to go for since it has a pulse width modulation that is used to regulate the bead width. 

The AC is adjusted to balance so that the surface is cleaned when oxidation occurs as the impurities need to be cleared from the weld puddle. 

You will also find that this machine is an easy one to use and even a beginner welder can get it for their work.

Pros and Cons​


  • Welds using both AC and DC
  • 20 pulses per second heat control
  • Comes along with a foot controller


  • Complications with quality control have been reported

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Hobart 500551 EZ-TIG 165i AC/DC TIG Welder 230V​

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This might just be the perfect TIG welder to go for if you are a beginner in the whole business.

It is designed to be comfortable to use and you will also find it quite welcoming. It is designed with both AC and DC functionality and a maximum operating voltage of 230V.

I am a popular fan of Hobart products because of the quality products that they push to the product.

They are also my favorite because they manufacture top-notch products that are also easy to use. I find it the best to use for welding both steel and aluminum.

This particular product makes your work quite easy because you get to work with controls for switching from DC to AC and a dial for adjusting the amperage.

You also get to control the amperage using the foot pedal that is designed to be easy for use even for the amateurs.

It is designed with an auto high-temperature feature that shuts it down or even switches on the fan when it gets uncontrollably hot.

This helps the machine prevent damage and hence it is one of those highly durable ones.

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Best TIG Welder Under $1500​

If you can’t quite reach the $2000 mark, you might want to consider other TIG welders that are still extremely high quality but in a slightly lower price range.

Below you will find our list of the best TIG welders under $1500​.

Everlast PowerTIG 200DV 200amp 110/220 Dual Voltage PULSE ACDC Welder​

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We have actually already reviewed this TIG welder over at our best TIG welder reviews buying guide.

Included is:

  • Working clamp
  • 10-foot long cable
  • Foot pedal
  • SMAW electrode holder
  • 6-foot power input cable

The Everlast is a fantastic brand and this particular model is extremely capable.

It can go all the way up to 250 A with a 60% duty cycle.

This is squarely aimed at either professionals or serious amateurs.

Easy controls and a simple user interface mean that you can spend more time actually welding instead of messing around with the setup.

In fact, the controls are color-coded, so once you have familiarized yourself, you will breeze through the setting up.

It can weld a maximum of ½ inch of steel and aluminum metal sheet in one pass.

Pros and Cons


  • Lots of adjustment options
  • Competitive with professional TIG welders
  • Very nice manufacturer warranty
  • It can take a beating!
  • Great customer service from Everlast
  • Comes with several extras and tons of add on should you choose to invest in the Everlast brand


  • Minor complaints of a stiff hose

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Best TIG Welders under $1000​

Below you will find our list of the best TIG welders under $1000.

Primeweld TIG225X 225 AMP IGBT TIG Welder​

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I have included this brand due to the versatility and dynamic nature it possesses. This is actually a top pick when it comes to TIG welders under $1000. 

The fact that it is the best ac/dc TIG welder under $1000, gives it significant marks that make it get ranked high above the rest in that are in this price range.

One thing that makes this TIG welder stand out amongst the various machines is because it comes along with numerous settings that make it adaptable for any type of work. 

This is ideal if you are the type of welder that works on a variety of welding jobs. The foot pedal is an inclusion that you can’t get from just any other machine. 

It would help you regulate the amperage manually as you do the welding work. It also comes with a pulse arc that is great if you fancy pulse welding.

The features here make it an excellent choice of a TIG welder whether you are an amateur or an experienced welder.

Pros and Cons​


  • Designed with pulse arc feature
  • Has an AC/DC feature
  • Comes along with a foot pedal
  • Has a high-frequency start
  • Has sloping functions
  • Ideal for both beginning and experienced welders


  • Does not have the most comfortable foot pedal

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Best TIG Welders under $800​

Below you will find our list of the best TIG welders under $800​.

Mophorn TIG200 200A AC/DC Aluminum TIG/ Stick welder​

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I personally find this particular brand of welding machine to be quite an excellent choice whatever type of welder that you may be. 

Mophorn is a brand that comes up with products that of high quality and they do not go wrong with this particular product.

It has a number of quality products that set it apart from the rest in this price bracket.

This product makes your work quite easy and enjoyable because you get to work with controls for switching from DC to AC and a dial for adjusting the amperage. 

You also get to control the amperage using the foot pedal that is designed to be easy to use even for amateurs. 

It is designed with an auto high-temperature feature that shuts it down or even switches on the fan when it gets uncontrollably hot. This helps the machine prevent damage and hence it is one of those highly durable ones.

Pros and Cons​


  • It is a top-quality product
  • Multipurpose


  • It supports a 220V AC that is quite difficult to get in the country

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MTS-205 205 Amp MIG/TIG-Torch/Stick Arc Combo Welder​

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“What’s the best AC DC TIG welder for under $800?”

Well, the MTS-205 is probably exactly what you are looking for.

It is a powerful 3-in-1 Combo TIG welding machine that has several different options to change the type of welding you might need to do.

It is a fantastic little DIY home TIG welder that you can pick up and start using around your house almost straight away.

It also has the added benefit of coming with a lot of accessories to get you up and running.

Pros and Cons​


  • Solid quality
  • Lots of accessories
  • 3-in-1 Combo MIG/ TIG/ Stick
  • Portable and lightweight


  • Scratch start that some aren’t fond of
  • Some buyers have reported that customer service has something to be desired

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Best TIG Welders under $500​

Below you will find our list of the best TIG welders under $500.

EVERLAST PowerARC 140STi 140amp Lift Start TIG​

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This is one machine that you should go for if you are looking for one that is quite flexible and has the ability to offer top performance. 

The brains behind this particular welder made it a multi-purpose machine that can be used either for stick and DC TIG welding jobs.

It also has a very useful 140A double voltage of 120 to approximately 250V. You can go for this one if you want quality and the type of work that you need to work on is not so demanding. 

It also has a digital display that makes the setting of the current to be quite easy.

Pros and Cons​


  • Light in weight, compatible and easy to move around
  • It is a multi-purpose machine
  • Easy for use by even amateurs
  • Great for use for both commercial, professional and light welding jobs


  • Cannot be used for heavy-duty jobs
  • Poor customer service from the manufacturers (surprising because Everlast is usually great in our experience)

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Best TIG Welders under $300​

Below you will find our list of the best TIG welders under $300.

Amico TIG -225/220 Amp HF TIG Torch​

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This is probably amongst the best TIG welders you can get with a budget that does not exceed $500. Amico is one manufacturer that comes up with quality products and it has not failed with this particular one.

This particular product is designed to perform various functions and might just be what you need. You can either go for TIG welding or Arc welding and use it to work on many types of metals. 

You will also realize that it is light in weight and quite compact hence carrying it from one place to another is easy.

It is designed with high technology such as the IGBT inverter, HF and High voltage start, an LCD amperage display, and many more. It can be used on metal that varies in thickness.

Pros and Cons​


  • Affordable
  • A multifunction tool


  • May not be ideal for very thick materials.

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[amazon box=”B07T244BYC”]

This is a TIG welder that is priced well below the $300 mark yet it is a product that is able to get the work done in a quality manner. It can be used for working in either MMA and TIG welding.

Its features have placed it in a position for use either for professional welders and those who do welding as a hobby. It is designed with a user-friendly interface and thus even a beginner can make use of it.

When in use, the user has high control over the machine and can regulate it when they are doing a welding job. 

It also has a fan and cooling system that is included to protect the machine itself from the excessive heat that arises when you use the machine for longer periods. Hence its longevity and durability are guaranteed as damage of the components by heat is prevented.

This particular welder can be used for welding bronze, brass, nickel alloys, copper, stainless steel, and any other normal steel.

Pros and Cons​


  • Has a high frequency start that improves the life of the tungsten
  • Light in weight hence easily portable
  • Made from durable metal
  • Safety is ensured as the machine is protected from damage by over-voltage or even under-voltage


  • Can’t weld aluminum metals

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[amazon box=”B07HF15Q7K”]

If you have a limited budget, you can still get a quality TIG welder in this particular one. This is because of the quality that this particular product from Mophorn comes with. It is designed to work for you even if you are just a beginner in the field of welding.

You can choose to either work with the Arc stick or the TIG welder depending on the type of work at hand. 

This particular product is recommended for output current ranging from 20A to 160A.

Pros and Cons​


  • Used for welding steel, stainless steel, and titanium
  • Has a cooling system that protects the product as well as the welder using it
  • It has the capability to adjust the current decay time and this makes the welding job safer


  • Has an uncommon twist-lock plug that is difficult to replace when damaged

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Goplus ARC MMA Welder, 200 AMP Lift TIG Welding Machine​

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I find this TIG welder to be among the best under $300. This is because of the features that have made it a favorite among those that have tried it out. 

It is also light in weight and hence you can easily move it from one place to another.

Safety when welding is ensured because of the reinforced nylon panel and over-work protection. It also supports an advanced inverter welder.

Pros and Cons​


  • Quality for an affordable product
  • Safe for use
  • Saves energy


  • Has too many parts
  • Will not be able to work even with the slightest fault in the components

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What To Look For When Shopping For A Good TIG Welder?​

Shopping for a TIG welder can be a difficult task at times because there are numerous types of welder that have a variety of features to offer. 

Some may have a feature but lack somewhere else and hence the choosing part turns out to be quite tricky on your part. 

I personally observe the following key factors when shopping for one, and shopping for a TIG can never be easier when you observe the following factors.


Some manufacturers and brands of TIG welders provide other accessories with each purchase of their TIG welder. Such accessories can turn out to be useful for you for your work. 

Other brands may not provide these accessories and you might be forced to purchase them separately and the last thing you would want is to pay for something extra that you might have got had you settled for some other brand.

Some of these accessories include a foot pedal for the regulation of the amperage, stick and MIG machines that offer your TIG welder the ability to weld in a variety of ways and even a cheap plasma cutter

The plasma cutter makes it convenient if you also want to cut using that one machine.

The trick here is that some brands offer an all-in-one bundle and you actually do not have to spend more to get some of these accessories. 

You will also realize that if you purchase accessories separately they may not be compatible with the main machine.

Quality of the TIG welder​

Needless to say, the quality of the TIG welder is the main factor that you should always consider whenever you are out shopping for one. 

This is because they are designed differently and thus some will be in a better position to get more work done and in a better or quality manner. Some are even integrated with high technology and thus make your work easier.

When you are working with a fixed budget like $1000, you will get numerous that are cheap and have nothing significant to offer. 

On the other hand, there are those that even with that low price, can match with a more expensive one in terms of the way they are designed.

The quality is also seen in the durability of the TIG welder. 

The last thing you would want to deal with is a machine that does not last for a good period and you have to go back to buy a new one. This can be at times disorienting as you might not be able to actually afford a new one altogether.


This is in regard to the power and as a welder, you should know just what suits you so that you do not end up purchasing a TIG welder that will not work for you. 

An AC TIG welder is good and suitable for welding aluminum and even though they can be quite pricy, they get the job done effectively.

On the other hand, the amperage will be another feature of concern if you want to work on fairly thick material. 

While thin material can be welded with an inferior amperage, thicker ones demand more amperage to get the job done faster and in a quality manner. 


The price of a TIG welder tells a lot about the particular product as it describes a general overview of the product. This is seen when those that are highly priced have a lot more to offer than others.

There are TIG welders that range from $300 to $2000, all of which are particular in what they have to offer.

You should be keen since they are those rated on the lower price, but have a lot more to offer than those highly-priced them. 

What I mean by this is that a cheap TIG welder may be more valuable to your particular needs, rather than a more expensive TIG welder.

It is therefore important that other than the price you check the features that either has keenly.

Bottom line​

Depending on the type of work that you want to tackle as a welder, you can choose a suitable TIG welder that will work for you. 

There are numerous brands out there with so much to offer at different price ranges that they will blow your mind. 

You just have to be sober when selecting one to avoid going for one that will give you headaches throughout you using it.

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