Goplus MIG 130 Welder Review
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This article is the Goplus MIG 130 welder Review, and I will go through the pros and cons of this particular welder.
I have owned different brands of welding machines over the years. I am an avid believer in doing things by myself and in my way, no need to pay off someone to do a task that you can do quite easily.
It is this kind of attitude that has seen me try and mostly succeed at fixing almost everything in my house. Some time back my welder gave up on me. It was quite a natural process, so I didn’t complain.
The main issue was for me to go out and look for a new welder which proved a much harder undertaking than I thought it would be. When I finally found this beauty, it was like coming upon some long lost treasure.
I immediately embraced it and have never looked back. Below are some of the features that draw me and had me hooked.
Goplus MIG 130 welder Review
Long Enough Handle
When it comes to welding, the handle of the machine pretty much determines how effective your welding job is going to be. Having a long enough handle gives you luxury while doing your welding.
There is less chance of you tiring with a long and comfortable handle, than with a short and unmanageable one. It should, however, be known also that a too-long handle isn’t convenient and will lead to hampering your efforts.
With that in mind, this handle is a respectable twelve inches in length which gives ample comfort without being too long.
Excellent Voltage
The voltage is a measure of the potential difference, therefore, the higher the voltage, the higher the potential difference. The potential difference in simple terms is a measure of how powerful the device is.
Welders perform jobs that usually entail a lot of heating. All this heating requires enormous levels of power. This power can be measured using the voltage readings given for the specific welder.
This welder has a voltage of 100V. This is a big enough voltage for most domestic and industrial applications.
Long Cord
The device uses mains power. This means that it must have a cord to connect it to a lower source. The cord can be a source of consternation since if it is too short, then the welding job will suffer as a result.
It is crucial that the cord should be long enough to accommodate most jobs, and be able to move around your space of operation, be it your house or workshop without tangling or stretching too much.
This welder has a cord length of twelve and a half inches. It is long enough but not too long as to be an inconvenience.
Has Circuit Breakers
This device has another very important component inside it: a circuit breaker. A circuit breaker is a device that is present or should be present in most electrical devices that help with controlling excess current for.
Every once in awhile the power from the supply surges and goes over the existing limit. This can cause damage to devices connected to the power source. It is the purpose of a circuit breaker to prevent this occurrence, and this device has one assuring of safety while in use.
Accessories Included
Accessories come with this welder. A welder on its own is quite ineffective. You need a welding wire and a welding mask and a brush and a welding gun on top of everything.
All these accessories are found in the box when you buy one of these welding machines. They provide a variety of services and counter any inconveniences.
- The free mask provided with purchase.
- Includes two kinds of circuit breakers.
- Adequately long cord for all your welding needs.
- Good voltage range.
- Easy handling for extra comfort.
- The mask provided is made of cheap plastic.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the maximum open voltage of the device?
The maximum open voltage is 37 volts.
What is the maximum output of current by the device?
This figure usually totals to 15% of 105 amps.
What is the size of the free mask provided?
The mask has dimensions of 7.87 by 9.5 inches.
What is the best flux core wire for this machine?
We highly recommend the INETUB BA71TGS .030-Inch on 2-Pound Spool Carbon Steel Gasless Flux Cored Welding Wire.
Final Verdict
This device is one of the best welders in the market. It is sufficiently equipped to be able to handle most kinds of welding jobs and with the accessories included it is the perfect companion for any welder.
It will provide good functioning be it at domestic level for those like me who like to do things on their own, of at industrial level where a more professional outlook is required.
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