LTPDC2000D Plasma Putter Welder/DP/B005DO7VDM Review
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This is the ltpdc2000d review.
Are you looking for a portable and multipurpose plasma-cutter-welder to suit the demands of professional operators? A DC TIG/STICK LTPDC2000D-Plasma-Cutter-Welder/DP/B005DO7VDM is available for you.
It is a well advanced multi-functioning plasma cutter welding machine that has excellent features which combine three functions in one. This includes; A 200A DC TIG Welder, 200A Stick Welder and 50A Arc Plasma Cutter with the flip of a switch. It can cut on various types of metals up to a ½ inch with the 50A pilot arc plasma cutting function.
This machine is designed for both commercial and domestic or DIY (do it yourself) users since it accommodates the demands of various professional operators. There is also an optional foot pedal available on the Amazon Website for purchase.
Three-In-One Cutter Welding Machine
LTPDC2000D-Plasma-Cutter-Welder combines three functions in one with 200A DC TIG welder,200A Stick welder, and 50A Pilot Arc Plasma.
This combination enables the machine to carry out a variety of roles including cutting of various types of metals, smoothening and regulating the arc setup among other duties.
Multi-Functional Plasma Cutter
The machine is designed for multi-purpose use since it performs both TIG and stick or arc welding and plasma-cutting of a wide range of metals from a single portable machine.
Stick welding is cheap and most suited for DIY purpose whereas TIG welding suits welds that require various controls such as right operating speed, torch control among others while 50A pilot arc welding is appropriate when different types of metals are involved.
200A DC TIG Welder, 200A Stick Welder
A 200A DC TIG Welder is a constant current powered welder which produces high-quality welds. It uses a torch, tungsten electrode and inert gas (argon).The use of this inert gas protects the weld and tungsten.
TIG welder undertakes subsequent activities such as controlling the torch, feeding the wire and at the same time operating at the right speed. This makes the entire operation quite complicated physically.
On the other hand, 200A Stick welder is the oldest process though it is simple, cheap and versatile machine since it can operate on a variety of electrodes with consistency and proper welding.
50A Pilot Arc Plasma Cutter
The device constitutes of a compact Plasma cutter which uses a non-hazardous compressed air to cut metals such as stainless steel, alloys steel, mild steel, copper, and aluminum.
Pilot arc torch is efficient on continuous cuts through rough painted and rusty surfaces hence producing minimal slag. It also delivers strong cutting performance in a compact package.
The optimized MOSFET-transistor based design of this machine provides a high power output for thick and thin metal cutting.
Cuts ½” Of Various Metals
By use of the plasma cutter, the machine can make cuts on different types of metals with severance thickness of about¾ inches and maximum cutting thickness of ½ inches.
This device is suited to for this purpose due to its robustness feature and the fact that pilot arc function is integrated and also has an advanced cooling to protect it from adverse temperatures during welding exercise.
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- The machine is relatively light and portable.
- It produces smooth and clean cuts and welds.
- It is inexpensive
- The machine can work on varieties of metals and surfaces.
- It yields minimal metal distortion and heat input.
- The machine is somewhat complicated to operate.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What else may I need other than this device?
A: You may need an optional foot pedal which is available for purchase.
Q: What type of model is this welder, is it an AC or DC?
A: It is a dc model.
Q: How can I order consumables for this unit?
A: You find on Amazon or visit Amazon website for details.
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Final Verdict
LTPDC2000D-PlasmaCutter-Welder/DP/BOO5DO7VDM is a great machine with a very high-performance rate displayed by many customers who have purchased it at Amazon and used it.
The majority of the users are satisfied with it. The satisfaction is depicted by the positive comments they post on the Amazon website on its performance.
In my opinion, I would recommend this product to any professional operators who wish to make their work easier and more efficient by using this advanced product. Give it a trial and you will never regret.
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